To register: Go to www.hornlakeparks.org
You will need to make an account if you haven’t done using the “Login/Register” Tab, after making an account you will then register each participant. SCAN A COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE (You can bring document to the park office if need to be scanned.) The participant will not be registered until the payment is made.
Online - Card only
Horn Lake Park Office: Cash, Credit Card or Money Order. NO CHECKS ACCEPTED
If you have any questions or need more information please call the
Horn Lake Park Office
To be eligible to participate in the BASEBALL ALL- STAR SELECTION PROGRAM, child must be a resident of Horn Lake, Walls, Lake Cormorant (address listed on the application), or live in the school district lines (Horn Lake, Walls, and Lake Cormorant Schools) Any questions please call Auston DeVolpi at 662-342-3468 concerning sanctioned areas.